The Community
The Community department is one of the three main facets of Cardinals in the Community. It provides community initiatives in the local community as well as in local primary schools.
We aim to:
Engage disadvantaged children, young people and adults to help improve their lives through football. By working in partnership with police and youth organisations we will be able to target areas where help is most needed.
Improve health and wellbeing within the local community by tackling the rise in obesity and mental health problems and caring for the wellbeing of children and adults.
Improve understanding of the key issues affecting our community by providing training and support to local service providers.
Make a difference to the lives of children and adults with disabilities, providing the opportunity to participate in football at a level to suit everyone.
Our core themes across all our provision, and the way in which we measure our success, are:
Increasing participation amongst those who are marginalised and at risk of exclusion.
Creating new opportunities and expanding current provision to promote participation.
Tackling inequality across our programmes whether that is due to gender, race, financial status or anything else that might stand in the way.
What does community mean to us?
Watch the video to the left to see what community means to us at CITC, with footage from our last soccer school in the February half-term.
“The future of every community lies in capturing the passion, imagination and resources of its people.”
— Ernesto Sirolli